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Who Can Receive Spousal Maintenance in Illinois?

 Posted on November 12, 2021 in Divorce / Family Law

Geneva spousal support lawyerSometimes known as “alimony,” the issue of spousal maintenance can lead to conflict during a divorce. If you gave up a career or educational opportunities in order to devote yourself to the marriage by raising children or running the household, you may be eligible to request and receive spousal maintenance during a divorce. Divorce law can be complicated, and every divorce comes with stress, and it may be in your best interest to have a family law attorney representing you in your Illinois divorce.

Who Qualifies for Spousal Support? 

The court’s goal in awarding spousal maintenance is to make sure both parties will be able to maintain their standard of living and to avoid a situation where one spouse is suddenly unable to meet their needs. Either spouse can ask the court for spousal maintenance, regardless of gender. In situations where both spouses worked for pay during the marriage and would be able to support themselves alone, the court is unlikely to order spousal maintenance - even if one spouse outearns the other. However, the court may consider each spouse’s respective financial needs when dividing other property.

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What to Expect at Your First Estate Planning Attorney Visit

 Posted on November 05, 2021 in Estate Planning

Geneva estate planning lawyerIf you are considering meeting with an estate planning attorney for the first time, you might have some questions about what to expect during this appointment. During this first appointment, your attorney will ask a lot of questions meant to get to know you and what your goals are. You will go over what types of property you own, who you may want to leave property to, and perhaps some medical decision-making issues. You may not have all the answers when you first arrive at your new attorney’s office, and that is perfectly fine - your attorney is here to guide you.

What Questions Will My Attorney Ask? 

There are a few areas of your life your attorney is going to ask about, usually starting with your property and family. Some of these questions may be uncomfortable to answer, but remember - this meeting is completely confidential. Your attorney cannot tell anyone else what you discuss in this meeting without your permission. It is important that you are completely open and honest. Here are some things your estate planning attorney is likely to ask about: 

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What Issues Can Complicate Property Division in an Illinois Divorce?

 Posted on October 15, 2021 in Divorce / Family Law

division-property-gavel-house-money.jpgWhen a couple marries, they combine their personal lives and their financial lives. Reversing this entanglement during divorce can be quite complicated – especially when spouses have a high income or own complex assets and investments. If you are getting divorced, it is important to prepare for the property division process. The better informed you are about the legal and financial obstacles you may face, the better position you are in to face these challenges head-on.

Determining What Property is Marital and What is Non-Marital  

Marital property includes assets and debts that were accumulated during the course of the marriage. Save for certain exceptions including property obtained through inheritance or gift, any property acquired by either spouse during the marriage is considered to be marital property. Non-marital property, sometimes called separate property, belongs only to one spouse.

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